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8 fun doggie facts
Their whiskers (vibrissae) help them to see in the dark. cutting their whiskers is generally not ideal as it affects their ability to play too.
Dogs’ sweat glands are on their feet! so keep them cool in summer by giving them a splash.
Dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their nose (compared to six million in ours). maybe that means they know when they are smelly?
Daschunds were originally bred to flush out badgers for hunting… dasch’incredible.
Not all dogs bark… the Basenji breed does not bark, instead they make a sound that is described as a ‘yodel’ when they are excited. sign us up…
Dogs have three eyelids. yep.
Dogs can hear sounds from 40 000 – 60 000 hertz (compared to humans who can hear in the range of 20 – 20 000 hertz).
While their perception of time is different to ours, your dog does have a sense of time and misses you when you are gone. bless.
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